onsdag 15 februari 2023


Första gången jag stötte på ordet anoesis var i Wileys Non sequitur där Captain Eddy döpte sin hummerfiskebåt till just Anoesis.

Anoesis is a theoretical condition in which there is feeling without understanding
Consciousness that is pure passive receptiveness without understanding or intellectual organization of the materials presented
The reception of impressions or sensations (by the brain) without any intellectual understanding.
Anoesis is a state of mind that perceives sensations, stimuli, and emotional signals without understanding or cognitive content.
Anoesis is a state of mind that is studied in psychology in relation to emotions and subconscious understanding of emotional reactions. A person in a state of anoesis doesn’t understand how they interact with their surroundings but they can recall similar experiences.
Anoesis is a rare term, even in the study of the subconscious. The adjective form anoetic is more often used, especially in phrases like anoetic mind, anoetic thought, and anoetic consciousness. Anoetic consciousness, sometimes called mental time travel, is the subconscious’s ability to recall memories from the past and predict how previous memories may reflect future interactions.
Example: When children are born, their subconscious and cognitive abilities have not yet developed, so they are in a constant state of anoesis.

Samtal med Gud

  Samtal med Gud För några år sedan drömde jag om ett samtal med Gud och även om något var glömt när jag vaknade så var mycket kvar och unge...